Be A part of history
Help Us Revive Biblical Agriculture
At the Balm Of Gilead Farm, we grow rare biblical plants with the mission of reviving Biblical agriculture.
We are the only place in the world that cultivates some of these plants, including the recently revived Balm Of Gilead, grown on the northern banks of the Dead Sea for the first time since Biblical times.
When we started on this journey almost 10 years ago, we did not realize the historical, medical, and spiritual importance of our work.
We have gone through many ups and downs over the years, and we are grateful to be on an upswing, looking forward to a bright future as we revive Biblical agriculture.
Our mission cannot be complete without active involvement of our community. For those that want to be part of history, we welcome your particpiation, at any capacity, in helping us make history by reviving Bibliucal Agricuturem plants that were used in Biblical times as an expensive perfume, an oil to anoint kings, a medication to heal the sick, and burned as incense in the Temple.
“The Balsamon Tree has not been cultivated commercially in this region for almost 1000 years,” says Guy Erlich, Owner and Expert Cultivator of the Balm Of Gilead Farm. “The ancient plants I am reviving here were once the main economic staple of the Ancient Hebrews of the Jericho Valley - our ancestors.
Thank you again for your participation and your partnership. We look forward to hosting you on the northern banks of Dead Sea during your next trip to Israel.